Dr. Scriven’s practiced is closed to primary care practice, and is focused on immigration, Good Medicine collective and medical consultation needs at present. If you are looking for ongoing primary care, please check with Dr. Scriven re Direct Primary Care practices in the greater Portland area that are now accepting patients or google Direct Primary Care Maine. One helpful website is DPC NEWENGLAND.org.
There are two other Direct Primary Care( DPC) Physicians associated with Good Medicine, they include:
Dr. Lisa Lucas @ Fulcrum Family Health
Dr. Ben Hagopian @ Maine Integrative Family Care
Other DPC physicians in Maine who may be taking new patients are:
Dr. Cathy Krouse @ Lotus Family Practice
Dr. Martha Gilman @ Lotus Family Practice
Dr. Oren Gersten @ Portland Direct Primary Care
Dr. Barr and Saylor, @ Coastal Maine Direct Primary Care, Adults >55 only