Print this form, add your name to each page, your personal information on the first pages (Do not sign it yet) and bring to your appointment.
Thank you 
Steps to apply for an appointment:
1. Enter all information at including credit 
2. Look for an email invitation to Max Health’s Elation Patient portal
3. Activate your secure Elation Patient “passport” email
4. Upload your vaccine and do the medical history questionnaire 
5. Answer any questions from our secure portal communications
6. Get your lab tests done once the doctor provides your laboratory orders
There is an initial $100.00 charge to engage Max Health to help you and an additional $250.00 for final exam and paperwork. Vaccine and laboratory charges will be in addition. When you register at the above link you will need to enter a credit card number for billing purposes. Sliding scale rates are available for people in financial distress. 
Please print your USCIS I-693 form from our Elation patient passport portal 
And bring an official ID, and the form to your final in-person appointment. 


What you will need:

  • Government ID, and or Passport from your country
  • Credit Card Form of payment, entered on our secure sign up link
  • Any Immunization records you have already
Your final appointment will last for 1-1.5 hours.


What to expect:

  • Vaccinations: varicella (Chicken Pox), MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), Tetanus & Pertussis (TDAP), and influenza (Flu vaccine) during Influenza season ( Sept – April, usually).
  • Blood and urine tests: including Tuberculosis, Gonorrhea and Syphillus tests as well as testing for any vaccine immunities for which you do not have records.


How to prepare for your appointment: 

  • Locate and bring in your PASSPORT and  other forms of picture government ID’s.
  • Find and bring all your VACCINATION RECORDS. If it is in your language of origin, and not english, in order to be valid, it must be officially translated into English.
  • Ask family members about exposure to Tuberculosis, or leprosy.
  • Print and complete  your  name section at the top of every page and bring the USCIS I-693 printed from our website or medical portal. If you have an AA number enter that at the top of every page as well. Do not sign the USCIS I-693 form until you are in front of  the Doctor
  • Bring your Cell Phone.  Please call 207-699-0901  when you arrive to let the doctor know you have arrived. Wash your hands and bring a mask
  • Plan an extra 5-10 minutes before your appointment for finding parking on the street near by ( if you are coming by car)

PLEASE make sure to cancel your appointment if you do not plan to come. There is a $75.00 fee whether or not you see the doctor, called a no-show fee, if you do not come to the appointment and have not called at least one day in advance to cancel.


What if the person needing the immigration medical exam does not speak ENGLISH?

Unfortunately, our very small office does not have translators. So in order to help you,  unfortunately you do need to be able to understand the questions in English that the doctor will ask you. Your family member can not translate for you.  You may find and bring an official translator with you. We regret at this time we currently are not able to offer translation services.


Our goal is to help you through the immigration process, by being as supportive as we can during your process. We help you with your I-693 form, and do the necessary testing for it.  This will take approximately 1-2 weeks, from the date of your initial exam with us.

We do the medical examination and some of the vaccinations. If you don’t have some common (required)childhood vaccines, we will be giving you a prescription for these, if your blood work does not indicate you already have immunity to the USCIS required diseases.  We also will draw the necessary lab work if possible, right here in the office at no charge. We have requested the most affordable laboratory services we can.

You may enter your medical insurance information if you happen to have insurance – but it does NOT pay for USCIS exams. Sometimes medical insurance pays for Tetanus vaccines and one of the required lab tests.